
Help us create positive change for children and families through your donation.

Fairgrove Family Resource Center has been a 501(c)(3) non-profit for 25 years. Your donation can be tax-deductible. Community support is crucial for our center's sustainability.

A person holding a book on top of a table.


Donate by Mail
To donate funds by mail, please send your check or money order to:
Fairgrove Family Resource Center
159 Myrtle Drive
Thomasville, NC 27360

Online Donations

For your convenience, we offer multiple options for online donations.
Facebook offers fee-free donations for Fairgrove Family Resource Center. Please visit our page and press the donate button.

You can also make tax-deductible donations through Network for Good and PayPal.

Each of these online donation sites provides tax receipts. Your mailing address is generally not provided to us when your donation is sent to us. For this reason, online donations are not included in year-end tax receipts. The tax receipt you receive from your donation site is acceptable for tax preparation purposes.

A group of people holding hands in the middle of each other.

Gifts or Memorials:

Send donations in lieu of gifts for friends and family members on birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, or any occasion. An acknowledgment will be sent to the honoree to inform them of your generous gift.

Send memorials to honor family or loved ones. Fairgrove Family Resource Center will send acknowledgments to the family on your behalf.

Personal Donations:

Come to our office to make a donation in person. We will be happy to give you a tour of our center.

Food Donations:

Food donations are accepted Monday through Thursday from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM but preferred between 1:00 PM and 3:30 PM due to parking restrictions for client hours (9:00 AM-1:00 PM).

Our wish list:

  • Meats (fresh, frozen, or canned)

  • Breakfast foods (cereal, individual packs of oatmeal)

  • Spaghetti sauce and noodles

  • Hamburger Helper, Tuna Helper

  • Hygiene items

  • Fresh vegetables

  • Cereal bars, poptarts and grits to the breakfast items

  • Macaroni and cheese

Amazon shoppers!!

You can support us by shopping at Amazon Smile. You will know you are on Amazon Smile when the background is orange. You choose support my charity and choose Fairgrove Family Resource Center.

Fairgrove Family Resource Center